Handle Upload Dialog

Using Web-Driver

Inorder to handle upload dialog selenium web driver is able to handle only when the browse button is of type HTML, if it is windows native dialog then we have to use AutoIT as explained below.

In web driver, locate the element with tag perhaps like,
<input type="file" id="troubleshooting-restore-file" style="display: none">
then we can simply pass the location of the file to be upload before clicking the Restore / Browser button

          Correct Way:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#troubleshooting-restore-file")).sendKeys("C:\\Users\\Fayaz\\Desktop\\<file name>");  // sending keys directly

          Wrong way/ Mistake:
WebElement uploadFile = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#troubleshooting-restore-file")).click(); //clicking the element
uploadFile..sendKeys("C:\\Users\\Fayaz\\Desktop\\<file name>") //sending keys
The above case will work irrespective of the HTML input field state (enabled / disabled ). Also note that, in this way upload dialog won't display. We need not to be panic for not seeing dialog, because our work is to upload file, but not handling dialog.

However, in any case if it doesn't work please also have a glance the below explanation, how to integrate AutoIt file with selenium web driver

Using AutoIT

After so much of quest and reading forums, I came to a conclusion that selenium web driver is not handling windows native dialog's, so there fore if we need to upload any file where browse button is not editable then then we have to depend on another automation tool called 'AutoIT' . It's simple to use and very impressive to automate GUI's applications.

For a quick solution, here is the ready-made code available but perquisites is you need to download and install AutoIT so that you can copy this piece of code and compile to get .exe file so that you can run this executable file by java ProcessBuilder class (If you run out of time to do all these, see below)

#HandleDialog.au3 // File can be save with any name with extension .au3

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1);0=no, 1=require pre-declare
Func Main()

    Local Const $dialogTitle = $CmdLine[2]
    Local Const $timeout = 5
    Local $windowFound = WinWait($dialogTitle, "", $timeout)

    $windowFound = WinWait($dialogTitle, "", $timeout)
    Local $windowHandle
    If $windowFound Then
        $windowHandle = WinGetHandle("[LAST]")

        ControlSetText($windowHandle, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $CmdLine[1])
        ControlClick($windowHandle, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:&Open]")  

        MsgBox(0, "", "Could not find window.")

Copy the above code in a notepad and save it (with any name), then compile this using autoit tool to get executable file, now use this exe file with the following code you can test, and the highlighted code is used in your actual test script

# testUpload.java

import java.io.IOException;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class testUpload {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
   WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

   Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Users\\selenium\\Desktop\\HandleDialog.exe",                "C:\\Users\\selenium\\Desktop\\file_to_upload.rar", "Open").start(); 
I am not sure, whether this executable file worked for me also works to you,

If this doesn't works to you, then no option to save your time, you have to follow as mentioned above

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